Offshore production of green hydrogen will play an important role in achieving the German and European climate goals.

Key facts about MOHN


With the announced targets for offshore wind at the Esbjerg summit, the North Sea is to become the powerhouse of the EU. It is predestined for large-scale hydrogen production. Considering the growing offshore hydrogen projects and initiatives in the region, cross-border cooperation between neighbouring states is essential. Therefore, the development of a transnational concept for offshore hydrogen production and transport is urgently needed. MOHN (Masterplan Offshore Hydrogen North Sea) is taking up this challenge. The project aims to develop a strategy to accelerate the implementation of offshore electrolysis capacity in the North Sea.

“The MOHN mission appears essential considering the impressive number of parallel industrial and governmental developments in the offshore field. In this context, cruh21 uses its network to address as many players as possible in the North Sea region in order to identify key challenges and develop solutions for a rapid ramp-up of offshore hydrogen"

Meiko Neumann, Managing Director cruh21

The project on which this website is based is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the author.